I don’t understand why in the most diverse country more of it [diversity] is not embraced within mainstream media. Sometimes I wear a head covering or a hijab (depending on who’s looking) and it brings about all kinds of questions. For instance, today while deciding between flavors of tic tacs—

Orange —taste good—not gonna help the garlic breath or
White—will help the garlic breath—but won’t be as tasty—I was asked a question by the cashier at the little quickie mart inside the Uptown 6 at Astor Place. She said, “You’re not a Muslim are you?” I answer her. Then she goes on to say, “Because I saw you wearing the hijab before and …” While my ego was like ‘Oh neat-O someone remembered me’—my mind wandered back to this other cashier at a cafe near my house who while ringing me up asked, “Why are you covering up that beautiful hair?”
I thought, ‘Mr. when have you ever seen my hair?’ I said, “Why can’t I be a Muslim?” He said, “Oh, you’re a Muslim?”
I said, “No but I’m saying…”
I left on request.
He said, “Next time I want to see hair…”
Perhaps he was flirting? I never pay guys enough attention—Prince Charming Complex ya know I just believe THE ONE is going to come…Giggle ^-^
I really do. All the women reading this are like—“Yeah get over that sweetheart!”
You know I had a 12-year-old tell me rather matter-of-factly in these exact words “Sorry babygirl fairy tales don’t come true.”
I have fun in this city! Why so much fun? It’s fun to be in the one place that you think NOONE pays anyone any attention and realize YES they do. This is no longer ya know Odyssey “Native New Yorker” NYC. We have a lot of Midwesterners and imports who import a lot of ideologies that they’ve assumed from a lot of TV shows and magazines—which are cool but are often stifling to the creative soul.
I personally, could not care less about what anyone thinks of what I wear. I’ve had a war on wardrobe for the last ten years. And I won it back in January.
Having returned home from holiday here in New York my opponent called me one morning and conceded. She said, “I’m never going to talk about what you wear again. I’m proud of you.”
Talk about an
AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL moment!! I couldn’t believe it--these words coming from
my mom.
Now, we all know that you should never say NEVER…but to hear these words come from a woman who’s questioned almost every ensemble I’ve ever assembled was big.
On Christmas Eve, our last battle was fought. It was over this Christmas frock.

She couldn’t believe that I’d wear "a Christmas tree bow" as a bowtie. I couldn’t believe that after all these years she couldn’t believe that I would wear "a Christmas tree bow" as a bowtie. Well, I was wearing it and it wasn’t coming off. So she huffed and puffed and almost blew my Christmas spirit and my house down but I wouldn’t give in. How did I win the war—well, my mom realized that though what I wear isn’t generally found on models in retail stores—it’s me, and I’ve been consistently me for the last 10+ years. My Southern belle mama discovered that in this city her daughter has a pretty good repertoire—be it at KumGangSan, Nepa Bhon etc. And no one she met who was acquainted with me looked at me like
WTF? Not to say people don’t. But I’m used to it. You know parents naturally want to shield and protect their offspring—and when you don’t look like everyone else you will draw some attention. So I had to see her POV—but whatever, I won the War on Wardrobe