"The Africans will call for that and if you don't give that amount - $7.77trn - the Africans will go to where you have taken these trillions. They have the right and they will bring the money back." --Moamer Al-Gathafi (his preferred spelling of his name)
First I give thanks to Allah for giving me a mind that seeks knowledge, wisdom and understanding. And I give thanks for your being. You, Mr. Warsame, are necessary. And despite giving up TV and radio three years ago--I thank Allah for leading me to your words.For every person who hears your music and adds Somalia to their vocabulary and to alist of generic dinner party conversation topics to make themselves appear "deep" yet nevertruly thinking one thing about Somalia and Somali suffering there's a me, who can't get the imageof our brother, a young Somali man holding, hands behind his back, gripping tightly a human bone (lower-leg).And as I write and once again replay that image-the purpose behind this email slips me...I was outside the U.N. along with hundreds of brothers supporting Mr.Gathafi when he gave his speech and I thoughtabout The Security Council and the work that it is supposed to do...Then I think of Nelson Mandela being interviewed by a journalist [Ted Koppel] who was trying to get him to speak ill of Mr. Fidel Castro, Mr. Mandela firmly said, "Your enemies are not my enemies." And I think of one of my greatest teachers, Minister Louis Farrakhan and all the hell he's caught for teaching truth and not Euro-approved lies. In fact, he's the one (Mashallah) who showed me what a free black man could be and to seek out truth no matter whose feelings it may hurt or who it may expose--no matter how powerful they are deemed. God is greatest. And it's amazing just how free the truth sets you. Ironically as this country celebrates Columbus Day (
Cristobal Colon Day, a "Jew" the father of chattel slavery in the Americas)-- even the truth behind that goes unknown to the masses and I should probably tie that in to Somalia because I heard you say once in an interview that people either liken the Somali pirate situation to Pirates of the Carribean or they think oh those crazy Somalis...But honestly most people don't do either because most people don't know that the word is "Somali" and not "Somalian" :) and once they turn the page or the channel... But, I have a few questions about Somalia that you haven't already answered 7.7 trillion times!
1. I don't know how much you delve into the roots (history) but I have been learning a lot about Colourism and how it was a tool used to divide and be it among Native Americans, African-Americans, Africans this tool of Euro, Euro-Arab raping women (indigenous) producing lighter children only to feed them a supremacist ideology so that they can feel no kinship but disdain to their darker roots and using them to conquer has been overlooked in African history especially. I once ran around thinking that Africans just sold other Africans into slavery until God dawned on me that this is not OUR nature. Iqra. And so I DO. To this day though, the ugly left-over ideology rears its head be it in terms like "Jareer" or "Barria "(Ethiopia). I always discuss this with my elders but never any Somalis because I don't know any. So once again, you are the sole representative. Which leads me to my first question. During the heinous slave trade known as the Arab Slave Trade, I read Somalis weren't enslaved, if this is true (?) did Somalis ever fight for those that were being enslaved?
I'll stop at that one as I'm not paying you tuition and my questions can get...
Elikia M’bokolo, April 1998, Le Monde diplomatique. Quote:"The African continent was bled of its human resources via all possible routes. Across the Sahara, through the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean ports and across the Atlantic. At least ten centuries of slavery for the benefit of the Muslim countries (from the ninth to the nineteenth)." He continues: "Four million slaves exported via the Red Sea, another four million through the Swahili ports of the Indian Ocean, perhaps as many as nine million along the trans-Saharan caravan route, and eleven to twenty million (depending on the author) across the Atlantic Ocean"[1]