Monday, June 9, 2008


I took Sunday vittles at my Godmother's house in Yonkers yesterday and I'm still full.
And like the end of any good soul food Sunday mine ended in a nap.
Too, a nap is always the best dessert.
I mean a walk around Central Park is nice or a Kombucha if you can afford it... But yesterday I was out of my element--upstate and with television. I awoke to the sounds of Iron Chef and sight of this beautiful man. I actually stood up and walked up to the TV to get a better look. And I was not dissapointed. He's no "Monet." Close up it got even better.
And wouldn't you know it, this Ethiopian born Swiss guy is a New Yorker!!!
His name is Marcus Samuelsson. His restaurant is Aquavit.
Now, I'm sure I can't afford anything other than water at Mr.
Samuelsson's restaurant but I'm thinking about popping in (at some point) ( in the near future).
Perhaps, I can talk my favorite New Yorker into joining me...Oh Mayor Blooooommmmberg-- the tip is on me ;)

Note: After reading the article, I'm convinced God woke me up right on time!

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